Peruvia balsam Balsamum peruvianum

Growing to 60 feet tall, the Peruvian balsam’s alternate, petioled leaves are odd-pinnate, with seven to 11 leaflets of 3 inches long. They’re wide, rounded at the base, and pointed. The resin is brownish, with a bitter vanilla flavor and smoky odor. In addition to its medicinal uses, it is used widely in perfumes, soaps, and cosmetics.
Central America, South America
Antiparasitic, diuretic, alterative, expectorant, antifungal (especially for ringworm), and treats wounds, bruises, hemorrhoids, skin conditions, cavities and “dry socket”, cancer, frostbite, burns
For skin conditions, burns, frostbite, and ringworm, apply the resin directly to the affected area. As an expectorant, combine 1 tablespoon resin with 1 large egg yolk. Drink. As a treatment for cancer, mix 1 tablespoon resin with 2 cups warm water. Sip throughout the day. For hemorrohoids, combine equal parts Theobroma cacao and Peruvian balsam resin, and apply directly to the affected area. It can also be made into a suppository by wrapping the mixture into plastic wrap, shaping it in
the appropriate size, and chilling it for 1 hour. Remove from plastic and insert into the anus. For cavities, press the resin into the hole.